新闻中心 > 国际仲裁

发布日期:2018-04-26 作者:斯德哥尔摩国际商事仲裁院 浏览量:2721

All time high!

Year 2007 the SCC set a new record with 170 new cases filed. The SCC maintains its position as one of the major international arbitration institutions and continues to have many East West disputes involving parties from former CIS countries. In 2007 there were also many disputes with Chinese parties. In addition to increased global trade, the SCC caseload may also depend on the new SCC Arbitration Rules that entered into force on 1 January 2007. The SCC Rules are considered to be a modern, effective and flexible set of rules among worldwide practitioners.



Case Load 1998 ? 2007(立案数)

        Case Load 1998 – 2007(立案数)

Nationality of the Parties 2007(2007年所立案件当事人的国籍)

   Nationality of the Parties 20072007年所立案件当事人的国籍)

