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来源:浙江天平 发布日期:2023-08-11 浏览量:3215




Against the accelerating changes unseen in a century, the profound variation in the international power balance, and the reshaped multilateral trade and dispute settlement rules, China has entered a development period of both opportunities and challenges, facing growing uncertain and unpredictable factors, in which the foreign-related rule of law has become increasingly prominent. With an emphasis on “advancing the rule of law in domestic and foreign-related affairs in a coordinated manner”, the 20th CPC National Congress made major plans to accelerate high-level opening-up and the building of a strong maritime nation, defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and better construct a community with a shared future for humanity, which pinpoints the direction and fundamental guidelines for the people’s courts in foreign-related commercial and maritime trials. As an important birthplace of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, Zhejiang has contributed significantly to the rule of law in China. The CPC Committee of Zhejiang Province has deployed the “No. 1 Development Project” to drive innovation and quality improvement of the digital economy, the “No. 1 Reform Project” to optimize and enhance the business environment, and the “No. 1 Opening-up Project” to upgrade the “sweet potato economy”, while putting forward higher requirements for the courts in Zhejiang in foreign-related commercial and maritime trials in the new era. Over the past five years, the courts in Zhejiang, guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, have conducted an in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, followed the requirements of the CPC Central Committee, the Supreme People’s Court, and the CPC Committee of Zhejiang Province, and adhered to the overall promotion of rule of law in domestic and foreign-related affairs. By propelling political, standardization and intelligent construction, as well as grass-roots infrastructure, the courts have steadily heightened the effectiveness of foreign-related commercial and maritime trials, the multi-solution mechanism for foreign-related commercial and maritime disputes, and the credibility of the trial and global impact, thus great contributions have been made in higher-level opening up and a strong marine province.


I. Status Quo


The foreign-related commercial and maritime trials of the courts in Zhejiang have covered ten categories of cases including foreign-related civil and commercial disputes, foreign-invested enterprise disputes, judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters, judicial review of arbitration, which is specified by the Supreme People’s Court in the Notice on the Clarification of the Jurisdiction and Management of Foreign-Related Civil and Commercial Cases of the First Instance. Since the civil and commercial disputes involving Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, and disputes involving Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-invested enterprises are handled by the Fourth Civil Division of Zhejiang High People’s Court together with the above-mentioned cases, they will be covered in the following summary.


i. Growing demand for foreign-related justice and steady increase in trial quality and efficiency


From 2018 through 2022, the courts in Zhejiang received a total of 27,039 cases, including 4,646 first-instance foreign-related civil and commercial disputes, 2,945 civil and commercial disputes involving Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, 8,534 disputes over foreign and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-invested enterprise, and 10,914 maritime and commercial disputes. Among them, 27,313 cases were concluded, achieving a completion rate of 101% in the same period; the collection and conclusion of cases maintained a dynamic balance; and 12,728 cases, about 46.6% were settled by mediation or dismissal (dismissed or treated as dismissed), with a total amount of subject matter of 132.5 billion yuan. Besides, the number of disputes over foreign and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-invested enterprises began to decline year by year since 2019, and the number of foreign-related civil, commercial, and maritime disputes and those involving Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan has taken on an overall upward trend after declining at the very beginning. In addition, the courts also accepted 5,518 arbitration judicial review cases and 4,254 cases of judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters. Overall, the demand for foreign-related commercial and maritime justice in Zhejiang is still growing, and the quality and efficiency of foreign-related trials have been steadily increasing. 



Fig.1 The proportion of cases received in various types of first-instance foreign-related commercial and maritime disputes in the courts of Zhejiang in 2018-2022




Fig.2 The trend of the first-instance foreign-related commercial and maritime disputes in the courts of Zhejiang in 2018-2022


ii. Relatively concentrated distribution of causes and effective governance of different types of disputes


From 2018 through 2022, 300-odd first-instance foreign-related commercial and maritime cases were received by the courts in Zhejiang, with relatively concentrated causes of cases. In foreign-related and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-related civil and commercial cases, 4,378 fell into the ten types of cases such as civil lending and sales contract disputes, accounting for 57.67% of the total; among maritime and commercial cases, the number of cases falling into the ten major types such as disputes over crew labor contract and maritime freight forwarding contract reached 8,350, accounting for 76.51% of the total. Compared with the period of 2013-2017, the number of traditional types of disputes such as civil lending disputes, sales contract disputes, and financial loan contract disputes has decreased to different degrees in the past five years. In particular, the number of financial loan contract disputes decreased by 57.77% year-on-year, reflecting prominent results in resolving traditional foreign-related disputes before litigation. Besides, the significant increase of 40.86% year-on-year in the number of disputes related to enterprises, particularly in disputes over equity transfer and disputes over shareholders damaging the interests of company creditors, mirrors the increasingly frequent equity transactions of foreign and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-invested enterprises, indicating an urgent need to standardize equity transactions and corporate governance.





Fig.3 The number of foreign-related and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-related cases received in ten major categories of civil and commercial disputes and maritime disputes from 2018-2022


iii. Expanding involved territory and deepening opening-up


During the period of 2018-2022, the courts in Zhejiang received a total of 162 first-instance foreign-related and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-related civil and commercial cases, most of which involved Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, Italy, and France, accounting for 55.47% of the total number of cases, with a relatively concentrated distribution. Compared with 2013-2017, the geographical areas involved in the cases have been expanding, with 24 new countries and regions such as the British Virgin Islands, Serbia, and the Cayman Islands being covered, which reflects more extensive foreign trade and economic exchanges, more diversified market subjects, and a higher level of opening up in Zhejiang. Additionally, the number of cases involving the countries participating in the Belt and Road initiative has increased significantly in the past five years. In contrast with 2013-2017, the number of cases involving Italy, Russia, Vietnam, Yemen, and Ethiopia has risen enormously, with the volume of cases involving Italy increased by 27%, Russia by 72%, Vietnam, Yemen, and Ethiopia by over 100%, showing vigorous economic and trade exchanges between China and partner countries of the Belt and Road initiative.




Fig.4 Ten major countries and regions involved in the cases received during 2018-2022


II. Fruitful Achievements 


Over the past half-decade, courts in Zhejiang have propelled political awareness, standardization, intelligence, and grass-roots infrastructure construction to bring into play foreign-related commercial and maritime justice in serving the overall situation, law enforcement, digital empowerment, and diversified dispute resolution. 


i. Political awareness to constantly enhance the dynamic role of judicial services in further opening-up


(i) Institutions have been guaranteed for the general requirements of judicial services and opening up. The 2018 Opinions on Providing Strong Judicial Protection for the Construction of a New Comprehensive Opening-up Pattern in Zhejiang issued by Zhejiang Higher People’s Court put forward the overall goal of serving and protecting the province’s major decision to build a new comprehensive opening-up pattern with the implementation of the Belt and Road initiative. A total of 19 specific measures were formulated in terms of improving the international credibility of the Belt and Road initiative, the fair and efficient trial of various types of cases related to the open economy, and an international business environment following the law. The Opinions also made clear the priorities in handling disputes over international trade, foreign-invested enterprises, maritime and commercial affairs, and pilot free trade zone-related issues, covering the major links of filing, trial, execution, judicial services, and diversified dispute resolution, providing institutional support for the province’s courts to serve and guarantee a higher level of opening up.


(ii) Platforms have been constructed as the bases for judicial services and opening up. The construction of the pilot free trade zone is an important strategic measure for reform and opening up in the new era and for the courts’ services in ensuring a high-level opening up. Since the establishment of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as Zhejiang Pilot FTZ) in 2017, the courts in Zhejiang have attached great importance to the judicial protection in the Pilot FTZ. In 2018, the Pilot FTZ Court of Zhoushan Intermediate People’s Court and the Pilot FTZ Maritime Tribunal of Ningbo Maritime Court were set up for better judicial services in the Pilot FTZ through the English and Chinese websites of the FTZ, the compilation of the Pilot FTZ judicial services guidelines, and the perfected cohesion between maritime courts and local courts. The reform of “connecting shipbuilding and shipping enterprise bankruptcy cases and maritime cases” has been piloted at the Zhoushan Intermediate People’s Court and Ningbo Maritime Court combined with the practice of adjudication to further optimize the bankruptcy process of shipbuilding and shipping enterprises, and solve the thorny problems of interconnection between bankruptcy cases and maritime cases in the areas of case jurisdiction, ship auction, the release of ship arrest, and cost burden. On that premise, the various types of ship priority and special priority can be executed promptly, which plays an important role in facilitating bankruptcy handling and improving the business environment of the FTZ. The reform was selected as one of the “Highlights of the People’s Court’s Services to Guarantee the Construction of Pilot Free Trade Zone” issued by the Supreme People’s Court in 2022.


After the expansion of Zhejiang Pilot FTZ in 2020, Zhejiang Higher People’s Court took the lead in the “research on the new situation and new problems of judicial protection in the Pilot Free Trade Zone in the context of empowerment and expansion”, and issued the Notice on Improving the Working Mechanism to Provide Strong Judicial Services and Protection for the Construction of Pilot Free Trade Zone based on the research to further improve the overall protection mechanism of the courts in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Yiwu, and Zhoushan. The courts in these areas have been supported and guided to create special judicial brands based on their regional functions and positioning to serve and guarantee Zhejiang in implementing the Pilot FTZ improvement strategy in a holistic manner. Relevant documents have also been issued by Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, Ningbo Maritime Court, Qiantang Court, Xiaoshan Court, and Yiwu Court to serve and protect the differentiated development of the various areas of the Pilot FTZ.


Focusing on the functional positioning of building Hangzhou into a demonstration zone for high-quality development of the digital economy, combined with the real situation of steady development of cross-border digital trade in Zhejiang and the constant emergence of cross-border e-commerce-related disputes, Hangzhou Internet Court established in 2020 the first people’s court in China to centralize the hearing of cross-border digital trade-related disputes according to law, that is, the Cross-Border Trade Court. After the operation for one year, it released a white paper on serving and protecting cross-border trade in Zhejiang Pilot FTZ with ten typical cases, which summarized the rules of adjudication of cross-border trade disputes, providing strong judicial protection to the innovative development of Internet business models and the healthy and orderly operation of the digital economy.


(iii) The role of adjudication has been fully played for the representative cases of judicial services and opening up. Courts in Zhejiang have justly and efficiently adjudicated various foreign-related commercial and maritime cases in international trade, foreign investment, and the Pilot FTZ, to actively implement the strategies of “going global” and “bringing in” under the law. First, serving a high-level “going global”. The courts have endeavored to ensure fair and efficient trial of infrastructure construction, economic and trade exchanges, cargo transportation, and other foreign-related civil and commercial disputes during Chinese enterprises’ going global, and to ensure an accurate demarcation of the rights and obligations of the parties in question so as to effectively respond to the risks of overseas interests. For example, in a letter of credit dispute between a foreign bank and an import and export company in Ningbo, Zhejiang High People’s Court, after an analysis of the components of L/C fraud under the new transaction mode, determined according to the law that foreign banks shall not refuse payment under L/C fraud, effectively protecting the overseas rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and the healthy development of L/C transactions. The case was awarded the first prize in the 2022 Outstanding Judgment on Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Disputes among National Courts. Second, serving and guaranteeing a high-quality “bringing in”. The legitimate rights and interests of Chinese and foreign parties have been equally protected to safeguard the investment rights and interests of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, and to help create a market-oriented, rule-of-law international business environment. In the dispute between a Taiwan-funded company and an import and export company from Zhejiang and its shareholder, a company in Ningbo, Ningbo Intermediate People’s Court determined according to the law that one of the parties had abused the independent status of the company to evade debts and harm the interests of creditors, recovering economic losses of more than 20 million yuan for the Taiwan-funded company which highly recognized the rule-of-law business environment in Zhejiang and decided to invest an additional 19 billion yuan. The case was selected by the Supreme People’s Court as one of the ten typical cases of the People’s Courts for the protection of the rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots. Another example is the infringement liability dispute between Zhang and a car company. In this case, the Taizhou Intermediate People’s Court determined according to the law that the car importer should share the civil liability with the distributor as the contents of the car importer’s brochure to the public did not match the actual car configuration, leading to a “reduced” configuration of the actual car, which caused an infringement of the consumer’s rights to know. The verdict protects the legal rights and interests of imported car consumers and promotes the standardized operation of the industry. Third, serving and securing the construction of Zhejiang Pilot FTZ. Based on the advantages and characteristics of the region, working mechanisms and methods have been innovated, achieving sound social results. For instance, in the case of the dispute between an engineering company in Zhoushan and a storage and transportation company from Fujian over sales contracts, considering that the bulk oil transaction involved such features as large subject matter, large amount, and fluctuating market, every single transaction has a significant impact on the business operation, and that the construction of oil-and-gas bulk commodity resource allocation base is the future development of Zhoushan Pilot FTZ in Zhejiang, Zhoushan Intermediate People’s Court, under the principle of “flexible preservation, balanced protection, and cohesive preservation and mediation”, adopted judicial measures that met the status quo and development needs of the enterprises with the least impact on their operation, which reflects the judicial concept of prudence, goodwill, and civilization, and effectively optimizes the business environment of the Pilot FTZ under the rule of law. The case was elected as one of the “Typical Cases of People’s Courts Serving and Guaranteeing the Construction of Free Trade Pilot Zone” issued by the Supreme People’s Court.


ii. Standardization stipulated to steadily improve trial quality and judicial credibility


(i) The jurisdictional pattern of foreign-related civil and commercial cases has been optimized. It has been 22 years since the first professional foreign-related commercial trial in Zhejiang. Before 2023, in addition to the High People’s Court, 11 Intermediate Peoples’ Courts, Ningbo Maritime Court, and 37 grassroots courts in Zhejiang had jurisdiction over foreign-related civil and commercial cases, forming a pattern of foreign-related commercial and maritime trials characterized by “specific jurisdictional courts, specialized trial institutions, and professional trial personnel”. At the end of 2022, major adjustments were made to the jurisdiction over foreign-related civil and commercial cases in the Provisions on Jurisdiction over Foreign-related Civil and Commercial Cases issued by the Supreme People’s Court. Since January 1, 2023, the jurisdiction over foreign-related civil and commercial cases has been fully decentralized in principle. After the full investigation of an open economy, foreign-related civil and commercial disputes in various regions of the province, and the actual conditions of the grassroots courts around the province, Zhejiang High People’s Court has determined the jurisdictional plan that foreign-related civil and commercial cases in the Quzhou area will be centrally governed by the Changshan Court, and the foreign-related jurisdiction will be granted to the grassroots courts in the rest of the areas. The plan will be announced to the public promptly after the approval of the Supreme People’s Court and the newly granted jurisdictional grassroots courts will be supervised to establish the trial court or collegial court. The number of grass-roots courts with foreign-related jurisdiction in Zhejiang has increased from 37 to 88 to facilitate litigation, optimize the allocation of trial resources, and improve trial quality and efficiency.


(ii) The direct supervision and guidance on foreign-related commercial and maritime trials have been strengthened. The collaboration among the courts in Zhejiang has been intensified concerning foreign-related commercial and maritime trials to smooth information reporting and guidance and thus enhance the specialization of trials. First, the Practical Guidelines for Foreign-Related Civil and Commercial Trials, a 100,000-word “practical textbook” for foreign-related civil and commercial trials compiled by Zhejiang High People’s Court, has summarized trial experience and highlighted trial essentials on account of an analysis of relevant laws and regulations, international treaties, judicial interpretations, and documentary systems. To better follow the guidelines, special training has been carried out for the courts that have newly acquired foreign-related jurisdiction. In addition, centralized training on foreign-related commercial and maritime trials and international inter-district judicial assistance has been held annually. Second, the mechanism of analyzing and reporting the re-sentencing and return of second trial and retrial has been standardized, which requires case-by-case analysis and summary of the main points of the judgment, contributing to a unified judgment scale of foreign-related commercial and maritime cases. Besides, a special seminar on resentenced and returned cases has been held for over 20 consecutive years, having formulated 92 opinions on legal issues involving freight forwarding contracts, the release of goods without original BL, ship collision, and the identification of evidence. Since 2022, this mechanism has been promoted to foreign-related civil and commercial trials by the Zhejiang High People’s Court, which demands a quarterly analysis of the resentencing and return of foreign-related commercial and maritime cases and arbitration judicial review cases, with over 40 problems and key points of the original trial having been summarized. Third, the specialization of foreign-related trials has been strengthened as the judges have been guided to accurately apply international treaties and practices, and determine the proper law per the law. Over the past five years, the courts of Zhejiang have identified and applied the laws of multiple countries, such as the United States, Russia, South Korea, and the United Arab Emirates, in foreign-related cases by law. In the case of dispute over the contract of international sale of goods between a medical services company and a Ningbo automotive technology company, Ningbo Intermediate People’s Court made a verdict based on the opinions of the CISG Advisory Committee against the absence of standard in CISG concerning interest compensation and litigation costs after a breach of contract. Such practice, highly evaluated by the CISG Advisory Committee, embodies the progress of the courts in Zhejiang in the accurate understanding and application of international treaties.

3.深化国际海事司法浙江基地建设。浙江是海洋大省,拥有6500公里海岸线(占全国三分之一)和全球货物吞吐量最大港口宁波舟山港。浙江法院立足优势海洋资源,积极推动海事审判改革创新,严格公正审理每一起涉海案件。2019年,浙江高院出台《关于推进“最高人民法院国际海事司法浙江基地”建设的意见》,基地自成立以来一直致力于在全国率先推进和高水平开展海事审判刑事、行政、民事“三合一”改革,加强智库建设和海事审判问题调研,为我国海事审判质效提升和国际影响力的扩大贡献可复制、可推广的浙江经验。宁波海事法院审结全国海事法院首例涉外海事刑事案件“艾伦•门多萨•塔布雷涉外海上交通肇事案”, 入选全国法院海事审判典型案例。在“佐罗”轮碰撞致船舶油污损害赔偿一案中,巴拿马“佐罗”号轮船在嘉兴乍浦港发生碰撞,导致400吨矿物油泄漏,宁波海事法院裁定准许设立油污损害赔偿责任限制基金,数额为6743109特别提款权及利息,该案是全国海事法院受理的首例外国当事人向我国海事法院申请设立油污损害赔偿责任限制基金案件。宁波海事法院还是全国首家受理造船企业破产清算案件的海事法院,有序推进东方造船集团有限公司破产案件审理,受理债权申报总金额约12.83亿元。海事审判“三合一”改革入选2021年第二批中国(浙江)自贸试验区制度创新案例。2022年最高法院发布的中英双语《中国海事审判(2018-2021)》中共有15处浙江海事审判元素受到关注和采纳。爱尔兰籍纳桑海运控股活动公司与马绍尔群岛籍诺斯维尔航海公司主动选择宁波海事法院诉讼解决标的1.6亿元的船舶抵押合同纠纷,显示浙江海事司法的国际影响力和公信力不断提升。

(iii) The construction of the international maritime justice base in Zhejiang has been furthered. With abundant maritime resources, including a coastline of 6,500 kilometers (accounting for one-third of the country) and Ningbo Zhoushan Port, the largest port worldwide in terms of cargo throughput, the courts in Zhejiang have actively innovated in maritime trial reform and heard each maritime case fairly. In 2019, according to the Opinions on Promoting the Construction of the International Maritime Justice Base of the Supreme People’s Court in Zhejiang issued by Zhejiang High People’s Court, an international maritime justice base was established in Zhejiang with a commitment to pioneering in high level “three-in-one” reform of criminal, administrative, and civil maritime trial, strengthening the think tank construction and maritime trial research, and contributing replicable and extendable Zhejiang experience to upgrade China’s maritime trial quality and efficiency and expand the state’s global impact. The “Allan Mendoza Tablate Maritime Traffic Accident Case”, the first foreign-related maritime criminal case in China, was concluded by Ningbo Maritime Court and selected as a typical case of maritime trial in the national courts. In the case of oil pollution damage where the collision of the Panama ship “EL Zorro” in Jiaxing Zhapu Port resulted in 400 tons of mineral oil leakage, Ningbo Maritime Court ruled to permit the establishment of the Liability Limitation Fund for Oil Pollution Damage in the amount of 6,743,109 Special Drawing Rights and interest, which is the first case of foreign parties applying to China’s maritime courts for an oil pollution damage liability limitation fund. Moreover, Ningbo Maritime Court is also the first maritime court in China to accept bankruptcy and liquidation cases of shipbuilding enterprises, as it concluded the bankruptcy and liquidation case of Orient Shipbuilding Group Co., Ltd., receiving and handling a total amount of claims up to 1.283 billion yuan. The “three-in-one” maritime trial reform was selected as the second batch of institutional innovation cases in the China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone in 2021. And the maritime trial of Zhejiang is mentioned 15 times in the Chinese and English versions of the China Maritime Trial (2018-2021) released by the Supreme People’s Court in 2022. Additionally, that the Nassau Maritime Holdings Designated Activity Company from Ireland and the Northville Navigation Limited from the Marshall Islands resorted to Ningbo Maritime Court for a ship mortgage contract dispute with a subject matter of 160 million yuan demonstrates increasing global impact and credibility of maritime justice in Zhejiang.


(iv) The establishment of Hangzhou and Ningbo International Commercial Courts has been approved. The two international commercial courts in Hangzhou and Ningbo mark fresh progress in improving the “one-stop”, diverse dispute resolution mechanism for international commercial disputes to better serve and guarantee a high level of opening up by law. This not only reflects the regard and support from the Supreme People’s Court for foreign-related civil and commercial trials in Zhejiang but also puts forward higher requirements. On the day of inauguration in March 2023, Hangzhou and Ningbo International Commercial Courts heard the first cases of international commercial disputes. Furthermore, the pilot system of “Digital Intelligence for International Commercial Affairs”, developed by Hangzhou International Commercial Court, has been put online and connected to Zhejiang Courts Website ( With the integration of online litigation, “one-stop” resolution of international commercial disputes, and judicial services with digital assistance in decision-making, the system has extensively applied the achievements of the “Zhejiang-wide digital court” reform, such as intelligent court and asynchronous trial, intending to create a “Zhejiang sample” of the digital international commercial court.


(v) Overseas judicial collaboration has been reinforced. From 2018 through 2022, a total of 173 applications for recognition and enforcement of civil judgments and arbitral awards of foreign courts were concluded in Zhejiang, involving 22 countries such as the United States, Spain, Italy, Austria, Australia, and France, of which 141 were recognized and enforced, accounting for 81.50%. There were 43 applications for recognition and enforcement of court judgments and arbitral awards in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, of which 26 were recognized and enforced, accounting for 60.46%. Judicial assistance in service of document and investigation and evidence collection has been provided to 1,800 international civil and commercial cases and 1,701 inter-regional civil and commercial cases. In the cross-border bankruptcy case of Zhejiang Topoint Solar Co., Ltd., which was heard by the Haining Court in Zhejiang, the bankruptcy reorganization procedure was recognized by the bankruptcy court of the United States, making the enterprise’s 150 million yuan of assets in the US included in the bankruptcy reorganization procedure.


iii. Intelligence construction to digitally empower dispute resolution 


(i) An online commissioned translation project has been initiated to facilitate litigation. In 2021, Zhejiang Higher People’s Court and the Translators Association of Zhejiang signed the Framework Agreement on the Establishment of Cooperation Mechanism to establish a cooperation mechanism for the translation of foreign-related trials and foreign affairs, as well as an expert pool of translators in major languages covering the actual needs of foreign-related trials in Zhejiang. The function module of “commissioned translation” has been put online on the integrated office and case handling platform of the three levels of courts in the province and Zhejiang Courts Website ( to crack the difficulty and high cost of translation in foreign-related trials, and to provide more diverse, convenient and low-cost translation services for parties in foreign-related cases. Since its launch, a total of 55 foreign-related cases have been commissioned for translation, including 37 civil and commercial cases and 18 criminal cases, involving 17 languages such as Vietnamese, English, Cambodian, French, Russian, etc. The translation of judicial documents and interpretation of court hearings are conducted.


(ii) Online channels have been opened to expand the ways of extraterritorial law identification. In recent years, Ningbo Intermediate People’s Court, Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, and Keqiao Court have established cooperation mechanisms with the East China University of Political Science and Law for the identification of extraterritorial law. In 2022, Zhejiang Higher People’s Court took the lead in building an online commissioning project for the identification of extraterritorial law, with a pilot project carried out in Ningbo Intermediate People’s Court. Based on the cooperation mechanism, online commissioning channels have been opened for the courts in Zhejiang to extend the approaches of extraterritorial law identification and improve the quality and efficiency of the identification.


(iii) The first maritime case library in China has been established to unify the scale of maritime case adjudication. Under the support and guidance of the Supreme People’s Court and Zhejiang Higher People’s Court, the first maritime case library in China was established and launched in 2021 by Ningbo Maritime Court, together with the People’s Court Electronic Audio and Video Publishing House and Dalian Maritime University. Interfaces have been offered on the website of China Maritime Trial and the office and case handling platform of Zhejiang Courts Website respectively. Over 380,000 pieces of literature have been collated, including maritime laws and regulations, maritime cases, journal papers, international treaties in English and Chinese, and work reports. The case library, with the functions of big data analysis of maritime judicial decisions and autonomous generation of categorized case research reports, can provide digital support for maritime judges, maritime law researchers, and maritime practitioners in China and abroad to search maritime cases and query laws for better application. So far it has served visitors from more than 20 countries and regions around the world.


(iv) The comprehensive integration of digital reform projects has been expedited to explore the new model of foreign-related commercial and maritime justice. To promote the digital project of “Legal Protection on Free Trade”, which has been piloted in the Zhoushan Intermediate People’s Court, a special project team consisting of courts in the four areas of Zhoushan, Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Jinhua and Yiwu was founded by Zhejiang Higher People’s Court. Besides, an application integrating sub-scenario modules such as online commissioned translation, extraterritorial law identification, one-stop dispute resolution with cohesive litigation, arbitration, and mediation, and dispute risk warning has been created for the development of the pilot zone and a high-level opening up. The digital project of “Legal Protection on Maritime Affairs”, piloted in Ningbo Maritime Court, integrates the core application scenarios such as intelligent case review, false litigation warning, process information tips, intelligent ship enforcement, fact-finding assistance, and intelligent decision-making assistance, to explore a new model of maritime justice.


iv. Grass-roots infrastructure construction to achieve more prominent results in social governance with justice


(i) The mechanism of cohesive litigation, arbitration, and mediation for solving foreign-related disputes has been perfected. In recent years, courts in Zhejiang have made positive achievements in introducing the “Fengqiao Experience” to foreign-related justice by furthering the governance of the source of litigation. The “Intellectual Property Rights--International Commercial Mediation Cloud Platform” featuring online remote paid mediation was launched by Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court and has been adopted by international commercial dispute mediation organizations such as the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center and the Singapore International Arbitration Center. The Hangzhou Internet Court has also continued to construct a judicial dispute resolution platform for cross-border trade, which was selected as a case study for “Jointly Building a Community With a Shared Future in Cyberspace” at the 2022 World Internet Conference. Foreign mediators from Pakistan, Yemen, Korea, and Afghanistan have been recruited by the courts in Keqiao and Yiwu for foreign-related commercial cases. The one-stop “litigation-arbitration-mediation” dispute resolution platform, jointly built by the Yiwu Court and the Zhejiang Sub-Commission of CIETAC, is the first county-level international commercial dispute resolution platform, which was selected as one of the top ten achievements of the Zhejiang Pilot FTZ. And the practice of the “Yi Code for Market Mediation” was selected for the Judicial Reform News by the Supreme People’s Court.

2.深化涉侨纠纷多元化解试点工作。2018年浙江被列为涉侨纠纷多元化解试点省份,2019年浙江高院与浙江省侨联出台《关于开展涉侨纠纷多元化解试点工作方案》,确定青田、文成两家试点工作示范法院,以点带面推动工作创新,形成“海内海外联动调解、线上线下多元共治”的涉侨纠纷多元化解优秀经验,并推动“侨纷一件事”数字化项目建设。文成法院推出“特邀海外调解员”制度,2016年来近四成涉侨案件以调解方式结案,涉侨案件平均审理天数从140天下降至43天。青田法院创新应用海外“人民观察调解团”制度,目前已有8个海外调解委员会、45名海外联络员以及13位海外家事调解员,开展在线异步调解245 次。青田法院的创新经验获评最高法院发布的全国法院十大最受欢迎一站式建设改革创新成果。

(ii) A pilot project to resolve overseas Chinese-involved disputes in diversified ways has been implemented. In 2018, Zhejiang was listed as a pilot province for the diversified settlement of disputes involving overseas Chinese. A year later, the Pilot Program for the Diversified Settlement of Disputes Involving Overseas Chinese, released by Zhejiang High People’s Court and the Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, was piloted in Qingtian Court and Wencheng Court to promote innovation in related work. Consequently, excellent experience featuring “joint domestic and foreign mediation” and “online and offline multi-governance” has been formed, and the digital project of “one-stop resolution for overseas Chinese-involved disputes” has been promoted. After launching the “invited overseas mediator” system, nearly 40% of overseas Chinese-related cases of Wencheng Court have been settled by mediation since 2016, with the average number of days of settlement down from 140 days to 43 days. Via an innovative application of the overseas system of “People’s Observation and Mediation Group”, Qingtian Court now has 8 overseas mediation committees, 45 overseas liaison officers, and 13 overseas family mediators, who have conducted 245 online asynchronous mediations. The innovative experience of the Qingtian Court was awarded as one of the top ten most popular innovations in one-stop reform by the Supreme People’s Court.


In 2022, the Notice on Furthering the Pilot of Diversified Dispute Resolution Involving Overseas Chinese, also issued by Zhejiang High People’s Court and the Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, added to pilot the four courts in Xihu, Yuyao, Keqiao, and Yiwu, promoted the mature experience of Qingtian Court and Wencheng Court in Zhejiang, and integrated grassroots governance innovations such as the “shared court”, which was fully recognized by the leadership of the Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. When handling the cases of liability disputes between a company in Qingtian and Chen for harming the interests of the company, Zhejiang High People’s Court effectively resolved a 10-year case of disputes involving overseas Chinese that had a greater impact on the local overseas Chinese community in Lishui, which safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese following the law, helped the enterprises recover their debts, and maintained a good business environment.


(iii) The construction of “shared courts” for foreign-related commercial and maritime affairs has been beefed up. In order to innovate and develop the “Fengqiao Experience” in the new era and promote the modernization of the grass-roots governance system and governance capacity, the courts in Zhejiang have strengthened the comprehensive construction of “shared courts”. Integrating the software modules such as Zhejiang Dispute Resolution Code, Mobile Micro Court, Live Court System, and Public Platform of Judgment Documents, the shared court boasts the functions of mediation guidance, online filing, online litigation, law popularizing, and grassroots governance. In line with regional conditions and actual needs, the courts in the province have established ad hoc “shared courts” for foreign-related commercial and maritime disputes. The “shared courts” of Qiantang Court, Qingtian Court, and Keqiao Court have been adopted by the Pilot FTZ, Zhejiang Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, CIETAC Zhejiang Sub-Commission, and CCPIT Zhejiang Committee to offer integrated services and “one-stop” solution of foreign-related commercial and maritime disputes. A total of 29 “maritime shared courts” have been set up by Ningbo Maritime Court in many coastal grassroots social governance centers, Zhejiang Seaport, and CCPIT Zhejiang Committee, having mediated 187 cases, resolved 534 disputes, filed 2,150 cases online, concluded 429 online lawsuits, provided legal advice 335 times, and publicized the law 21 times to an audience of 120,000 people. 


III. Follow-on Work


In consistency with Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, courts in Zhejiang will spare no efforts to meet the domestic and foreign-related rule-of-law requirements, build a destination for international commercial and maritime dispute resolution, and accelerate the high-quality development of foreign commercial and maritime trials, in the meantime striving to provide strong judicial services and guarantee for the province’s in-depth implementation of the “Double Eight Strategies”, furtherance in innovation, reform and opening up, implementation of the three “No. 1 Projects ”, and high-quality development.


i. Serve a higher-level opening up and construct an international top-notch business environment with better political awareness.


Under the current international and domestic situation, foreign-related rule of law is becoming an increasingly important force to support international cooperation and struggle, as well as a significant element of national core competitiveness. An integral part of the foreign-related rule of law, foreign-related commercial and maritime trials is also confronted with unprecedented opportunities and challenges. With enhanced mission awareness and political responsibility, the courts in Zhejiang will adhere to the correct judicial concept, take into account the domestic and international overall situations, and coordinate the two major issues of development and security. Committed to the two requirements of justice and efficiency, the courts will endeavor to guarantee high-quality development and high-level opening up with fair, innovative, and quality foreign-related judicial services. To be specific, the first attempt is to continuously implement laws and regulations on foreign investment, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese and foreign parties equally, and create a market-oriented, rule-of-law, and optimal international business environment for enterprises to feel at ease and concentrate on operation. The legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises “going global” will be protected to provide a strong judicial guarantee to a high-level “going global” and a high-quality “bringing in”. The second is to better play the role of the two Pilot FTZ courts in serving the FTZ via promoting the linkage between the courts and the digital reform project of “Legal Protection on Free Trade”. The third is to better play the role of justice in anti-sanctions, anti-interference, and countermeasures in the “long-arm jurisdiction”. The courts will actively participate in the work of the Foreign-Related Legal Service Association, constantly improve the mechanism of timely reporting and emergency handling of major and sensitive foreign-related cases and events, and properly respond to various foreign-related risks and challenges with prompt research and judgment, safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests in the foreign-related trials according to law.


ii. Improve the quality and effectiveness of foreign-related commercial and maritime trials and elevate global impact via high-quality cases


High-quality cases, an important tool to propel the high-quality development of foreign-related commercial and maritime trials, are integral to promoting justice and efficiency. In this regard, the courts in Zhejiang will continue to select high-quality cases, establish and improve the regular selection and release mechanism of high-quality cases, and bring into play the demonstration effect of typical cases. On that premise, the scale of adjudication will be further unified to enhance the quality and effectiveness of trials and judicial credibility. Specifically, the first endeavor will be to prioritize law enforcement, that is, to properly exercise jurisdiction in foreign-related commercial and maritime cases, abide by international treaty obligations, respect international practice, and accurately apply the proper law. Typical judgment with international impact and exemplary rules of adjudication will be explored to enhance the global impact of Chinese laws and Zhejiang’s justice and to construct a more just, reasonable, and transparent international economic and trade rules system. The second will be to effectively impel the substantive operation of Hangzhou and Ningbo International Commercial Courts. On the strength of regional advantages and characteristics, in-depth summary of work experience, and research on the laws of work, the courts will play an exemplary role and create a special brand in international commercial trial guidance, dispute resolution, research services, personnel training, and judicial civilization exchange and mutual appreciation. The third and last will be to strengthen the construction of the International Maritime Justice (Zhejiang) Base. With progress in the digital reform project of “Legal Protection on Maritime Affairs”, the pioneering advantage of the “three-in-one” reform of maritime trials will be further grounded and replicable “Zhejiang Experience” will be summarized and promoted nationwide.


iii. Build a high-quality professional foreign-related commercial and maritime trial team with strengthened research and guidance


Foreign-related trials are different from general civil and commercial trials in the jurisdiction, service, evidence collection, application of the law, and production of adjudication documents, which imposes a higher requirement on the expertise and trial experience of the judges. Therefore, the stability and professionalism of the team are underscored in foreign-related trials. Besides, as the jurisdiction of foreign-related cases has been decentralized, the problem of insufficient experience in foreign-related civil and commercial trials has become more prominent and needs to be solved. To effectively deal with this situation and ensure the quality and efficiency of foreign-related civil and commercial trials, four main attempts will be made. The first is to attach great importance to the strict implementation of decentralization by ensuring that all 88 grass-roots courts with foreign-related jurisdiction set up specialized trial institutions or collegial panels to hear foreign-related civil and commercial cases. The trial forces will be strengthened to build a professional trial team that matches the current jurisdictional mechanism for foreign-related civil and commercial cases. The second is to strengthen research guidance and business training. Based on the Practical Guidelines for Foreign-Related Civil and Commercial Trials issued by the Fourth Civil Division of Zhejiang Higher People’s Court, hierarchical research and guidance will be intensified to promptly study and solve problems arising in trials, and promote the standardization and professional development of foreign-related civil and commercial trials. The third is to further standardize the working mechanism of international and inter-district judicial assistance commissioners, enrich the list of judicial assistance commissioners in the province’s courts, and implement dynamic management. For courts with foreign-related jurisdiction, the judicial assistance special commissioners are uniformly managed by the department for foreign-related civil and commercial cases. The long-unsolved cases of judicial assistance will be tracked and supervised to improve the quality and efficiency of foreign-related service. The fourth and last is to improve the selection, training, reserve, and appointment mechanism of multi-facet international foreign-related trial talents so as to cultivate more judges who are good at handling foreign-related legal affairs, who are well-versed in domestic laws and familiar with the rules of international law, and who have big-picture concepts and international vision.


iv. Promote digital empowerment of foreign-related commercial and maritime dispute resolution with relentless reform and innovation


To improve justice and efficiency with deepening reform and innovation, promote foreign-related commercial and maritime dispute resolution with digital reform, and make Chinese and foreign parties enjoy equal and universal, efficient and convenient Chinese Internet justice, the courts in Zhejiang will continue to coordinate the construction of digital reform projects relevant to foreign-related commercial and maritime dispute resolution with an emphasis on comprehensive integration and practical effectiveness. Firstly, the integrated applications such as “Legal Protection on Maritime Affairs” and “Digital Intelligence for International Commercial Affairs” will be further constructed and interconnected with ample functions and high scenario application efficiency by optimizing and promoting scenario modules such as online commissioned translation, online extraterritorial identification, and maritime case library. Secondly, the one-stop mechanism for diversified settlement of international commercial disputes through the cohesive connection of litigation, arbitration, and mediation will be perfected. Efforts will be made to actively explore new paths for diversified settlement of international commercial disputes by relying on the existing platforms of cloud international commercial mediation and cross-border trade dispute resolution. Thirdly, the pilot diversified settlement of disputes involving overseas Chinese will be carried forward. The excellent experience of “joint domestic and overseas mediation, online and offline multi-governance” will be a golden brand of Zhejiang in terms of diversified settlement of disputes involving overseas Chinese. Fourthly and lastly, the role of the ad hoc shared court will be well played. On the basis of the five main functions of the “shared court”, direct governance on the source of foreign-related commercial and maritime cases and causes will be further implemented, combined with the actual situation of each area.


